Thursday, June 5, 2008

Chicago Comics, Found Magazine & St. Gertrude

I was in Chicago last weekend with one of the mandatory stops being Chicago Comics. I picked up Found Magazine #5 and am pretty pleased with it. I thought #3 was a dropoff in quality and just didn't bother with #4 for that reason. A quick scan through #5 told me they were back on form and it's $5 well spent.

Yeah, I know it's been out awhile but the one place that I know sells it in KC isn't in a part of town that I visit very often.

Last time I was there, I acquired a small plastic St. Gertrude, patron saint of cats. Since I've got two cats, seemed appropriate. Even more so knowing one of my grandmothers was named Gertrude.

Don Mossi

We made fun of this guy's ears when we were kids-this is when about all there was to do was play with baseball cards. Turns out we weren't alone. This from Bill James:

"Don Mossi was the complete five-tool ugly player. He could run ugly, hit ugly, throw ugly, field ugly and ugly for power. He was ugly to all fields. He could ugly behind the runner as well as anybody, and you talk about pressure ... man, you never saw a player who was uglier in the clutch."

This came up when I saw a pic today of Pedro Alvarez, third baseman for Vanderbilt. Can't help but to think of Star Trek and aliens when I see those ears.


Two nights ago, we had one of those nice electrical storm. Virtually nothing here in beautiful Parkville but just south had it pretty exciting. One lightning strike took out a gasoline storage tank in KCK. Here you see the burning tank and another strike farther south.