Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Comic Stripjoint

Other than Joe Posnanski, the Kansas City Star has very little going for it these days. The only other exception of note is Travis Fox, who's Foxymoron comic runs on Thursdays. He also gets a full page in the Star's attempt to compete with The Pitch, cleverly called Ink. (Not that The Pitch couldn't use some competition but this isn't off to a good start.)

Fox's stuff is very good and the site he shares with some other cartoonists is one of the very few to which I've subscribed. Some time ago, he did a fabulous summary of Spiderman 3. I wasn't going to see that flick anyway but this one comic was so devastating, so brutal that Sam Raimi should have been here buying up every copy of the paper that day. I saved it, along with the one he did on Lost (much nicer). I thought about scanning 'em in but it took so long to get the Star to quit calling me about not subscribing that I don't want to get their lawyers on me.

And no, I don't know the guy. http://comicstripjoint.blogspot.com/

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